March 29, 2010

Twilight Graphic Novel Review

So I picked up a copy of the Twilight Graphic novel today like the good little Twilightaholic I am. I thought I'd really enjoy it, but to be honest I really wasn't feeling it. Maybe those whose comic book tastes include more than just many many Archie comics read as a child will have a better appreciation for it, but I wasn't into it. I know in a graphic novel the story is bound to seem a bit choppy but that annoyed me none the less.

The main thing that annoyed me was the illustrations themselves. I don't like that some characters seemed to have been drawn with more inspiration from the actors playing their characters in the movies, while others didn't look a thing like the actors. Either do it or don't do it I think. Furthermore, I don't think the characters that were supposedly created based on the descriptions of the characters in the actual books looked right. In fact a lot of them looked so similar to eachother that I couldn't tell if it was Edward or Jasper or Carlisle I was looking at half the time, and Bella looked a lot like some of the other females as well aside from her hair. I think more emphasis should have been put on the details that Stephanie mentions frequently in the novels. Bella's mouth for example, she's always going on about her top lip being slightly fuller than her bottom lip. The always mentioned infamous Edward Cullen crooked smile...Robert Pattinson seems to have it down naturally, but I didn't see any sign of it once. Charlie just seems like she decided to draw a Ken doll. He looks nothing like the actor who plays him in the movie, and he looks nothing like Stephanie's description of him in the books. Esme looks like she should be in high school with Bella....and also is one of the girls who looks a lot like the Bella character.

I dunno, I think they would have been better off just drawing them based on the actors that have brought them to life. The Robert Pattinson comic version alone would have driven up sales even higher than they already are. I'll purchase the others for collection sake, but doubt I'll bother to read them.

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