March 22, 2010

Archive Post: New Moon Review

Today I decided I'll distract myself from less pleasant things by "reviewing" New Moon....well the crappy download I managed to find anyway, I'm sure I'll have more to add once I see it in all it's glory on Tuesday.

I have to warn you that Lizzie and I are very big on the books. I really can't tell you how many times I've read them since she finally managed to get me to read them back in April. However after I finished the second book, I was so hooked that it angered me to have to stop reading them long enough to eat or do anything that required me not being able to read at the same time. So I downloaded the audio books for the last two books, and since April I've pretty much been listening to them on rotation every single day. Sometimes I skip a few days after I finish the last book, but it's never long before I'm listening to them again. With the aide of the audio book format I'd guess I've probably read the series at least 15 times, probably more. So while we love the whole thing TOO MUCH probably, we're also very critical haha. We break out the Twilight movie now every once in a while and find new things to pick apart, we figure we should be brought in as expert consultants at this point. Ok you've been fairly warned, onto my thoughts on the movie.

I have to say I loved it. The best part of it to me is that unlike Twilight it's not a movie I feel I have to be embarrassed to like. The dialogue in Twilight was HORRIBLE. "HOW YOU LIKIN DA RAIN GURL???" for example. I'm still trying to make sense of the whole "Buttcrack Santa" "the kids really love those little bottles" conversation. They didn't talk like normal teenagers at all, and everyone in the movie that wasn't a vampire, or Bella said nothing but stupid shit. Well Jacob didn't sound like an idiot I guess, but the filler characters were soooo bad. So that brings me to point one....

1. Thank you people for putting some effort into writing the script and actually making some really funny moments in the movie to offset the heavy nature of the events in the movie. It's nice to see Edward actually having a sense of humor and in general the lighter moments of the movie were ACTUALLY funny. Bella giving Jasper shit for controlling her mood to get her to agree to the birthday party, JASPER being funny, Jessica's self centered bitchiness actually being comical, the whole movie outing with Jacob and Mike, the Wolf pack, the numerous "dog" related jokes/insults. It made it much more entertaining and I don't think I'll have to cringe while I watch it a million times hahaha.

2. Hard to tell on the copy I had, but the special effects of the speed of the vampires, the werewolves, and the sparkling of Edwards skin all seem to be really well done and MUCH better than they were in the first movie. I was surprised how well they did with the werewolves in particular.

3. I liked how they used Bella writing emails to Alice (that bounced) to carry along the narrative. It's good because it shows that even while her friendship with Jacob grows, her mind is still with Edward and the Cullens.

4. I liked how the painting of Carlisle with the Volturi came to life as Edward told Bella the story of them and Carlisle's time with them.

5. The whole thing seemed really fast to me, I'm not sure if it was because there was so much to try to fit into a 2 hour movie, or if it was the months of slow motion trailers hahaha.

6. I agree with what Robert Pattinson has said in interviews, that he wished they had have pushed it a little more to really show that Bella is essentially going crazy. She's not seeing a ghost of Edward, Edward isn't appearing to her as a vision in a supernatural sense, she is literally going mad. I guess to show the true nature of that would have been a little too depressing perhaps, but I think they could have pushed it a little more to show just how fucked up she really was and that it was driving her truly crazy. I wish they had better showed just how much of a mess she was at first especially. Yeah the screaming in the night and all that does it a bit, but I wish it had shown more of her at the very beginning where they were tossing around words like "catatonic". I don't think it showed her devastation after he initially left her well enough.

7. They left out things/changed a few things that really bugged me. I get they have to cut some stuff but some of it seems too important to leave out in my opinion. I don't like that Edward doesn't take her to school every morning, and secretly spends every night with her as well. That's their time to really be with eachother, away from everyone else, I thought it was pretty lame that they left it out and showed them arriving at school separately and Bella doesn't ask Edward to stay as he normally does after the disaster at the birthday party. I wish they had left in Carlisle telling Bella about Edward dying, his mother, and his reasons for changing him into a vampire as he stitched her up. I wish they had have shown Edward's behavior after the birthday party better. How he continues to do things as usual at first while acting strange and causing Bella to worry about the internal struggle he goes through before deciding to leave. When Bella stops him in Italy they should have left it as it was in the book where he's confused at first and thinks he's died and that's why he's seeing Bella. It plays a big part later because Bella is able to use it against him to say he must have some hope that there is an afterlife for their kind because that was the first conclusion he came to when saw her in the book, he said, "Amazing, Carlisle was right." His hesitation and her frantically trying to get him to realize that he wasn't dead, neither was she, and that he had to get out of the light would have made it more dramatic. Leaving the Volturi was too sudden, in the book they have to stay until nighfall before they can leave, and they skip over the whole way back to America, where Bella is still under the assumption that Edward doesn't want to be with her and that his relief is simply from knowing that he didn't cause her death. Her accepting so easily that he really did love her all along and only left because he was trying to protect her makes her easy acceptance of her not being good enough for him when he tells her he's leaving her look stupid. Either she doesn't think she's good enough for him so much that she would believe he would leave her, or she believes that she is everything to him and he couldn't possibly leave her unless it was simply him trying to protect her, the book balances that, the movie doesn't.

Ummm ok that's all I can think of for now haha, I'm sure there will be more. So glad that it was better than I thought it would be overall though, I was expecting that it wouldn't be able to live up to all the months of wait, it was totally worth the wait. My main thing is, if you like the movies, read the friggin books because you're missing out on so much if you limit yourself to what they are able to fit in a 2 hour movie.

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